Sunday, March 31, 2019

Mobility scooter accident

This afternoon I was on my way to Raby Bay to walk a friend’s dogs after doing 7,500 steps earlier in the day. On the way, on the ‘Rainbow Serpent’ pathway from the Cleveland Library to the Raby Bay Harbour / Marina, I had a cyclist ram my scooter and cause 3cm worth of damage to the front of my mobility scooter where his wheel crashed into the plastic to the right of the left front wheel.
We collided twice and I got a small whiplash, thrown forward and then back, wrenching my back and neck and went into shock which lasted for hours.
I’m about to stress dose with some Cortisone as I feel adrenal crisis due to the physical and psychological shock I experienced. Google ‘Panhypopituitarism’ and shock and you’ll read how people with my disease can die from an adrenal crisis.
It wasn’t entirely his fault as the hedges block off the view of someone coming around the corner but he was going VERY fast and crashed his wheel in between my left wheel and the front of the scooter which has a black handle.
The plastic has shattered and you can see the usually hidden part of the front place handle through the cream plastic casing. I was severely shaken up with slight whiplash and I went into shock, hands and spine-tingling and felt nauseous.
The young man riding the bicycle seemed very remorseful and kept asking if I was ok but he was the one that was launched forward and hit the front of my scooter and almost smashed into my face ðŸ˜¯
I asked him to go to the hospital to get checked out. but he said he was fine.
I will take a photo of the damage to the scooter in the morning as it is already 7.23pm and my iPhone 6S Plus has a dodgy camera that has 90% of images look like my hands are shaking from side to side. Annoying because I love taking photos and it only stops when I hold a magnet near the camera lens. Weird, right? I found this solution on a google search.
But I digress, photo in the morning and I’ll be visiting the council and demanding they reduce the hight of the hedge before the next accident is fatal. The young man could have become a quadriplegic if he had fallen. Not good enough!
I’m aching from head to toe and still a little shaken. I’m about to get into the bath and then get into bed with my heated back and shoulder blanket and recover from a very eventful day. I am 1, 428 steps short of 10,000 but everyone said I should just head home and recover so I relented even though it annoyed me that I was so close. I will add it onto tomorrow’s 10,000 steps. Wish me luck!
Time to go self-care and hope I can get out of bed in the morning.

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